The unVangs

the unVangs

The unVangs are an eclectic Sheffield band with a unique 'technoglam' sound created using bespoke backing tracks (created in our home studio) plus live vocals and MIDI synth guitar.

Julie: Lead vocals, writing songs and looking cool.
Paul: Bespoke backing tracks, synth (MIDI) guitar and backing vocals.

The Band Name Origin

The Boom Vang (or Kicking Strap) is a Line or Piston system on a Yacht / Dinghy which exerts downward force on the Boom, thus controlling the shape of the Sail. If you really want to, you can read more about Boom Vangs here. The unVangs are the second edition of this band.

The Rehearsal Room

Attic Studios, Lion Works, Sheffield.

The Grovelling Thanks To...

The Good, The Bad and The Dripping Tap.